Suncor Energy Inc. (NL)


Project Summary

Copsys Intelligent Digital Skin (CIDS) is a new coating-based (paint) digital sensor technology that could transform existing corrosion and integrity management systems. Developed by Copsys Industries Inc and led by Suncor, this project aims to further test and advance CIDS technology and its ability to replace predominantly labour-intensive piping inspection processes to detect and manage corrosion under insulation. This could improve process safety, facility integrity, reliability, and environmental performance. CIDS has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the frequency of production upsets which can result in a decrease in flaring, and a significant reduction in the likelihood of fugitive emissions caused by corrosion. This technology could be used in oil and gas production and transportation as well as other process industries.


Project Final Report


Operational Optimization


Emission Source:


Fugitive Emissions

Power Generation



Entry TRL:


Target TRL:



Project Type:

Research and Development


Operational Area:

Full Field


Funding Amount:


Project Outcome Overview – Click to Enlarge